The Wineskin Project is the same as Wine for Linux apart from it is on Mac. Using Wineskin Winery On Mac quoteDownload Wineskin Winery/quote. To install Notepad, a Windows program using Wine, first download the program to your Mac here. Double-click the Notepad.exe file to start the installation. Viewed 1k times. I've started using Wineskin and, when I created the first wrapper, it told me that it couldn't find mono and gecko and that it could download and install them for me. The prompts were X11 modals managed by Wine. It downloaded and installed them, and I can find them in the created wrappers, but I don't know where the source. Go to your opened Wineskin app, click on the + to install an engine. Click “Download and Install” to get the most recent engine. Click “Update” to update Wineskin, and “OK” at the dialog box. Click “Create New Blank Wrapper” to do exactly that. Type in WinBUGS to name your new wrapper.
3.3 2. Delete Wineskin Winery application using the Trash. 3.4 3. Remove all components related to Wineskin Winery in Finder. 5.1 How to run in High Sierra. 6 Как установить программы и игры с Windows на Mac без виртуальной машины. 6.1 Установка WINE. Open Wineskin (next to the drive_c folder). Click Advanced. Change the Windows EXE field to For technical information on how the bridge works see the project page: https Which Wineskin and what keyboard layout are you using? If you aren’t using an English layout (such as US) then switch to one.
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How To Run Your Favourite Windows Programs On OS X With
Due to the way Wineskin works, you won’t be able to play the newest, most graphically intense games or Next up, it’s time to install a Wineskin Engine. This is where things get a little weird.Wineskin How Does It Work? Quick Start Changes from the original project Changes in the Wineskin App (WineskinApp) Changes in the Master Wrapper (WineskinLauncher) Roadmap of Wineskin is a user-friendly tool used to make ports of Microsoft Windows software to Apple’s macOS/Mac OS X.How to Build Your Smart Home. How to Clone a Hard Drive. Wineskin Winery is a free, open-source tool for running uncomplicated Windows apps in a window under OS X For example, I use Wineskin to run my ancient Instant Recall contacts app.2—To close-exit Wineskin WShCLITEv9, click X symbol (red ball icon) in top left corner, or right click the WShCLITEv9 icon in the Dock and select Quit. 11—Use the Down Arrow to select: HotComm.exe and click Choose.
Wineskin is a tool used to make ports of Windows software to Mac OS X.Download Wineskin Winery for Mac to make Wineskin wrappers, manage/download WineskinEngines, wrapper updates, and build Engines. By joining, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy.Free. Mac OS. Porting tool, to make Windows programs/games into Mac OS X apps. GUI building, made for ease of use and customization.In this Instructable I’ll teach you how to port a game using this application, I’m gonna use Skitch for most of the ima… Step 3: Using Wineskin Winery. unzip the file and put the app inside your main Applications folder and then open the main application from it.
How to Play Windows-Only Steam Games on Mac (February 2016)
I’d recommend using the Mac Steam client to buy games, and the Wineskin Steam client to download and play the Windows games. In case your game acts weird, reopen Wineskin.Some Macs running High Sierra can use this old engine and will open the particular in house program I’ve wrapped. So my question is: 1. How to I load the 4.0 engine into Wineskin and 2.Now my challenge is to wrap the Instance and give it to the customer. the easiest way to do this is by creating a Wineskin instance and running all the required tricks and attaching the executables with that instance. As redistributing .To download Wineskin Winery, visit their website –
3.3 2. Delete Wineskin Winery application using the Trash. 3.4 3. Remove all components related to Wineskin Winery in Finder. 5.1 How to run in High Sierra. 6 Как установить программы и игры с Windows на Mac без виртуальной машины. 6.1 Установка WINE.Open Wineskin (next to the drive_c folder). Click Advanced. Change the Windows EXE field to For technical information on how the bridge works see the project page: https Which Wineskin and what keyboard layout are you using? If you aren’t using an English layout (such as US) then switch to one.Welcome to our Wineskin tutorial series, where we take a look at how to use Wineskin to play Nancy Drew PC games on a Mac! This is a tutorial “How to installing PES 2016 on Mac OS X with Wineskin winery”.WineSkin effectively allows you to run Windows applications under Linux and OS X including the latest version Mountain Lion (10.8.x). Here is a short guide for Installing Fantasy Grounds II on OS X using the free software WineSkin.
how to use wineskin – Bing
How To Download Wineskin For Mac App
Wineskin is a user-friendly tool used to make ports of Microsoft Windows software to Apple’s macOS/Mac OS X. How Does It Work? The ports are in the form of normal macOS application bundle wrappers.How to Install and Use Wine & WineBottler on MacOS | Run Windows Applications on Mac. Wineskin is a tool used to make ports of Windows software to Mac OS X.This guide will walk you through how to install Technocoder’s Wineskin with macOS 10.15 Catalina support. This section only applies to users who are using macOS Catalina 10.15. to 10.15.4. If you do not use macOS Catalina, or you are on macOS Catalina 10.15.How is Wine different from a virtual machine? One reason is obvious: to use a virtual machine to run Windows apps, you need a copy of Windows. Wineskin isn’t alone, though.
Wineskin is a tool used to “wrap” Windows games so that they can be run on Mac OS X. We have used it to prepare the Mac versions of the Windows games you can But now it asks for the CD-ROM.Due to the way Wineskin works, you won’t be able to play the newest, most graphically intense games or power-hungry software. With that out of the way, let’s port some software.Learn how to Use Wineskin. Download here: Wineskin is a tool used to make ports of This is a tutorial “How to installing PES 2016 on Mac OS X with Wineskin winery”.”How to install Wineskin” is not written yet.
How To Download Wineskin For Mac Pro
Wineskin is a tool used to make ports of Windows software to Mac OS X.To download Wineskin Winery, visit their website – Learn how to Use Wineskin. Download here: sourceforge.How to Make a Wineskin. We don’t know when wineskins were invented, but they appear in Homer’s “Odyssey,” the Bible and other ancient literary works. Making a wineskin takes time, but it can be distinctive addition to your next picnic or camping trip.To understand how it is possible to run Windows/PC games on a Mac without Windows consider this: Your Mac has an Intel processor, and these (As before, just click “OK” to begin the download.) Wineskin Winery is now installed and ready to go.
Learn how to Use Wineskin. Download here: Wineskin is a tool used to make ports of Vor 2 years.Hero editor for diablo 2 (HOW TO USE).How Many Syllables uses cookies to enhance your experience. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to the use of cookies as described in our Privacy Divide wineskin into syllables: wine-skin How to pronounce wineskin: wahyn-skin How to say wineskin: How to pronounce wineskin.Wineskin How to install homebrew Manual installation – (not recommneded!) DirectX support Apple Silicon support (Rosetta2) macOS Catalina support macOS Catalina (10.15.
How To Install Wine On MacOS Mojave 10.14 | Run Windows Apps On MacOS | SYSNETTECH Solutions
How to install wine on macos mojave 10. 14 | run windows apps on macos | sysnettech solutions subscribe to our youtube channel for more videos related to how to install wine on macos mojave 10. 14 | run windows apps on macos!!! . How to install wine on macos mojave 10. 14 | run windows apps on macos | sysnettech solutions subscribe to our youtube channel for more videos related to how to install wine on macos mojave 10. 14 | run windows apps on macos!!! .
How To Install Need For Speed Most Wanted Full Mac
H friends of yutubewelcome to my chanel today want to showyou how to install need for speed most wanted today want to showyou how to install need for speed most wanted of the serie need for speed and this time it's the turn of most wanted as they always save a lot of time in installation they're just going to have tocopy it to applications. H friends of yutubewelcome to my chanel today want to showyou how to install need for speed most wanted today want to showyou how to install need for speed most wanted of the serie need for speed and this time it's the turn of most wanted as they always save a lot of time in installation they're just going to have tocopy it to applications.
How To Fix A Slow Mac
Wineskin For Mac
How To Download Wineskin On Mac
Hi, this is gary with macmost. Com. Today let's take a look at what to do if yourmac is running slow. Macmost is brought to you thanks to a greatgroup of more than 600 supporters. Go to macmost. Com/patreon. There you could read more about the patreoncampaign. Join us and get exclusive content and coursediscounts.
let's say you have your mac for several yearsand it's not running as fast as it used to. Sometimes it takes longer to launch apps,to accomplish basic tasks, things like that. What's going on and how to fix it. So the key to fixing it is to figure out whyit's running slow and fix that problem. First i want to tell you what not to do.
what you shouldn't do is install more appsto fix the problem. I say this because if you search for how tofix a slow mac you're going to come up with all sorts of products that claim to do this. Cleaning apps, and maintenance apps, and thingslike that. You don't need any of those. As a matter of fact some of those will actuallyslow your mac down more.
cause you more problems. So don't install anything new. You need to look for things to uninstall. You need to do some cleaning not adding morestuff to your mac. Okay, the most likely culprit for a slow macis if you have something running in the background that is using up processor power.
so you want to figure out what's running onyour mac. The first thing you want to do is use commandtab to bring up the application switcher. This will show you everything that you'vegot running. See if you don't recognize something there. Maybe this helps you remember that you'vegot something running that you don't need.
try to quit as many apps as you can. A newer mac should be able to handle tonsof apps running. But if you have an older mac and it's runningslow it's worthwhile to quit apps that you're not currently using. You don't have to quit absolutely every app. But if you see 27 different apps here maybetry to pare that down to about 10.
also look in the menu bar at the top right. You see all these buttons here. These are apps that aren't necessarily goingto show up in the application switcher. So, for instance here's dropbox, here's adobecloud, here's the webcam control panel. Things like.
look for what you've got here and maybe quitthings you don't actually need anymore. This is just another way just to remind youwhat you've got going on your mac. The idea is to try to remove the things youdon't need. Also, in the finder go to the applicationsfolder and just take an inventory of what you have here. Maybe you can get rid of some apps that youdon't need anymore.
then also in system preferences go to users& groups. Then click on login items. This will show apps and helper tools thatare going to run in the background. So if you see something here that you don'tuse anymore, go ahead and uninstall that. You can click here and actually remove itfrom here.
but it's better to actually uninstall thatapp if you're really not using it. Don't worry about things that you don't recognizehere. Some system functions and other things mayshow up. You can always control click on something,show in finder, and then based on where it's located on the hard drive usually you canfigure out what it belongs to. Also you can take a look at activity monitorand when you run that make sure you look at cpu and you're sorted by cpu here so the highestcpu is at the top.
now you have to watch this for awhile becausethings are going to pop-up to the top when they use a bunch of cpu but only for a fewseconds and then they'll disappear. Mostly use this to remind yourself what elseyou've got going on on your mac. So look through this and see the differentservices and things that you have running here. A lot of times you won't be able to tell whatdifferent things are. They're just part of the system.
don't worry too much about those. Instead look for the things that have iconsand think about, well, that's something i installed but maybe don't need it anymore. Maybe i should be uninstalling that app nowto speed things up a bit. So before i go to number two let's talk abouta myth that a lot of people believe in which is that newer versions of macos require morepower. Now it's true that newer versions of macoshave new features and those new features may need more power.
but it's not necessarily true that installinga new version of macos is going to slow down your mac. As a matter of fact, very often apple includesoptimizations in newer versions of macos that will make your mac run faster. If you can install that version of macos onyour mac that means that apple designed it with your mac in mind. Even if it's six or eight years old. Which means it will take advantage of someof those optimizations.
so don't be afraid to install new versionsof macos thinking that it might slow things down. Because that's not necessarily true. It may, in fact, speed things up. Okay, so next look at your regular apps. You go to the application switcher here orif you look in the dock below you should see the apps that you run the most often.
think about those and how you use those. They could be slowing things down too. Now there might not be such you can do withit. If you need to use photoshop, for instance,and photoshop is slowing down your mac you really don't have any choice. But there are some apps where you can usethem in a better way.
for instance, a lot of times i notice peopleusing a web browser, whether it's safari or chrome, but particularly chrome, will havea ton of tabs open. They just work normally that way with a lotof tabs. Having lots of tabs open will slow thingsdown so you may want to close a bunch of them. Bookmark those sites and go back to them ifyou want but you don't necessarily need to have them open in a tab. So many times i hear people say my mac's slowand i take a look and they have 40 tabs open in chrome.
in general chrome is going to be much moreof a cpu hog than using safari. So if you like chrome better than safari butit's making your mac run slow maybe give safari a chance. You can have both browsers. You can go to chrome for a particular webpageif you need to but maybe make safari your regular browser for just regular browsing. The next thing is cloud services.
now as a mac user you're probably using iclouddrive. But maybe you're also using dropbox and gogglecloud and microsoft's cloud. Maybe even a few others. I see people that have 4, 5, 6 different cloudservices syncing at the same time. This will slow things down.
each one of those has to examine the filesin their drive, the files on the server and it has to sync between them. If you have a bunch of them running and competingfor processor time and network time it's going to slow things down. So think about what cloud services you'reusing and maybe limit yourself to one or two if you're using an older mac. Alright, let's talk about the finder. Does your desktop look like this with tonsof different icons on the screen.
each one of those has to be rendered. So it's going to look at say the image ortext inside the file and render a little thumbnail. If you've got 20, 50, 100 items on your desktopit's going to slow things down. That's why it's best not to use your desktopexcept for quick temporary storage. Don't put regular things in there.
organize them inside your documents folder. Clear your desktop out and that should speedthings up. But the same thing in the finder. If you're using the icon view in the findera lot it's going to have to generate a lot of these thumbnails. List view and column view can often be fasterbut even here if you select a file you've got the little preview to the right.
these take time to generate especially ifit's video. If it's a video file you've selected you havea little video player over here. So you can hide the preview, like that, toturn that off and speed up the finder. Also think about the number of finder windowsyou have open. Sometimes i've seen people with 10, 20 differentfinder windows like this open.
there's really no reason to have more thanone or two finder windows open at the same time especially if you have an older mac that'srunning slowly. Limit your finder windows, use list or columnview, turn previews off to speed things up for a little bit for an older mac. Okay, so here's another one. Are you shutting down your mac or lettingit sleep. I keep telling people they need to let theirmac sleep.
don't shut it down when you're not using it. Instead let it sleep so it can perform maintenancetasks in the background. A lot of people don't do this. They'll finish using the mac and immediatelyshut it down and then start it up again and start using it again immediately. This doesn't allow maintenance tasks to happenin the background which means those maintenance tasks have to happen while you're using yourmac.
so they're competing with you for processortime, hard drive access, and things like that. Try letting your mac sleep. With a macbook just close it. With a desktop machine either go to the applemenu and put it to sleep when you're done or just walk away and let it fall asleep onits own. Let it will perform its maintenance tasksovernight.
that way you'll have things more optimizedfor you in the morning and these maintenance tasks won't be competing with you for processortime while you're using your mac. So here's another really big one. Hard drive space. How much hard drive space do you have free. You can tell pretty easily by going to theapple menu and then about this mac.
then go to storage. It will give you this little graph here. So here's an example of something that's prettybad. You can see i'm well above 90% used on thisdrive right now. You don't want to be this high and this maybe why your mac is running slow now.
you may have been at 50% usage for a longtime and now you're closer to 90 or 100% and this means there's not hard drive space availableto speed up your mac. You see our mac uses your hard drive for thingslike virtual memory and caches. Both of those things are ways that it speedsup your mac. When you don't have the space it's not goingto be able to use those tools for speed so your mac's going to be slower. So all you need to do to fix this is to gothrough all your stuff.
go through your documents, archive thingsto an external drive, or get rid of the stuff you just don't need anymore. Go through your applications. Delete applications you don't need anymoreand clear space off. If you can't clear space off, there's justnothing you can get rid of, just make a note that the amount of hard drive space you'vegot now is not sufficient. So your next mac should have a much, muchlarger hard drive.
so in addition to your hard drive being almostfull, your hard drive could also be having issues. This is particularly true if you have an oldspinning hard drive, not a solid state or flash drive that most modern macs have. These drives get errors on them and the drivecan kind of work around those errors but it slows things down. One way to fix this is by running disk utilityand using first aid. Now you don't want to just run disk utilitynormally.
you want to restart your mac by holding commandr to start recovery mode. That will allow you to run disk utility ata higher level so it could really go and look at all the things on your drive and fix anyissues that occur. But of course this also could mean that yourhard drive is actually really failing and it's time to get a new one or put that moneytowards a new mac instead. Hard drives, particularly the old spinningkind, don't last forever. Now there are a few other things you shouldalso try to see if it makes the speed of your mac a little better.
one is to reboot in safe mode. Rebooting in safe mode is a way to troubleshootthings on your mac. But it also will run some checks when youdo it. You can go to this page here and see how toreboot in safe mode. Basically it's restart holding the shift keydown.
then it reboots in safe mode so it's not runningany extensions and all sorts of other things and it does some special checks when you bootup. After it's all booted up you want to rebootagain in normal mode to continue to use your mac. Another things you can do is do a system managementcontroller reset. Now how you do this depends upon which macyou've got. So go to this page at the apple site and lookat all the instructions for the particular mac that you have.
by the way you can do a nvram reset whichresets some low level settings on your mac. Go to this page there and try that as well. So those three things. Safe mode, smc, and nvram resets can sometimeswork to fix problems and speed up your mac. They're worth a try.
alright so here's another things. It may not be your mac at all. A lot of times when people complain to methat their mac is running slow i ask them well, what are you doing that's running slow. They'll say, well, you know, the usual stuff,browsing the web. So in other words it's web surfing that'sslow.
for some people this is primarily what theyuse their macs for, web surfing. So, of course, if web surfing is slow it seemslike everything is slow because it is everything. So in this case it may not be your mac. It may be your internet service. One of the things you can do is restart yourrouter.
you probably got a router or a modem fromyour cable company or your telephone company when you signed up for service with them. This box may have been sitting there and youmay never have turned it off and on again or hit the reset button or anything like that. It may have been running for years. So it may be worthwhile to switch it off orunplug it. Plug it back in.
sometimes these things take like five minutesto reboot but after it reboots things are a lot quicker. But it could also be that the device itselfis outdated. Your telephone company or cable company isnot going to call you up out of the blue and say hey we notice you have an old modem fromus. Let's give you a new one. They're just going to let you sit with thatold piece of equipment.
maybe one they haven't even distributed foryears until you call them and say is this still current. Is there something newer you can send me. Then they would be happy to send you thatvery often at no cost to you. Other times your service itself may be outof date. You may still be using a plan that you signedup for five or ten years ago.
they may have something that's a higher bandwidth and even cheaper than what you have now. They're not going to volunteer this to you. They'regoing to keep charging you the same amount for the same level of service unless you askfor something better. Sometimes you pay less, sometimes you paythe same, and sometimes you pay a little bit more but for a lot more data. So it's worthwhile to call up your provider,talk with them, see if you have the most up to date thing. See what else they have to offer.
maybe you could significantly speed thingsup by improving your internet service at little or no cost. Number 10 is a really big one. Say none of this stuff has worked. Your mac is still slow. What i'm going to tell you is don't put upwith it.
your mac shouldn't be slow. You've got to figure out what the problemis and if none of these steps has helped you and you're out of options take it to apple. Make an appointment at the genius bar. Go in. Show them your mac.
tell them it's running slow and let them takea look at it. A lot of times an expert can look for justa minute at your mac and immediately know what's wrong but it would have taken you amillion years to figure that out. Now it may be bad news. It may be that the hard drive is failing. Maybe the apps you want to use just don'twork very well on a much older mac.
but at least then you know you've tried everything. I often talk to people who have put up witha slow mac for years before taking it to an expert like at the genius bar who fixes itin minutes and their mac is like new again. So you have nothing to loose by giving thegenius bar a try. If not maybe a local expert, or authorizedrepair shop can help you. So there are the ten things you can do tofix a slow mac.
if all of those fail it may actually be timefor a new mac. Remember we're asking our computers to dothings now that ten years ago we would never have thought of. Editing 4k video for instance. Maintaining huge libraries of highly compressedphotos. Go into complex websites that didn't existback then.
so sometimes an older mac just isn't goingto be able to handle the things that you want to do. . Hi, this is gary with macmost. Com. Today let's take a look at what to do if yourmac is running slow. Macmost is brought to you thanks to a greatgroup of more than 600 supporters. Go to macmost. Com/patreon. There you could read more about the patreoncampaign. Join us and get exclusive content and coursediscounts.
let's say you have your mac for several yearsand it's not running as fast as it used to. Sometimes it takes longer to launch apps,to accomplish basic tasks, things like that. What's going on and how to fix it. So the key to fixing it is to figure out whyit's running slow and fix that problem. First i want to tell you what not to do.
what you shouldn't do is install more appsto fix the problem. I say this because if you search for how tofix a slow mac you're going to come up with all sorts of products that claim to do this. Cleaning apps, and maintenance apps, and thingslike that. You don't need any of those. As a matter of fact some of those will actuallyslow your mac down more.
cause you more problems. So don't install anything new. You need to look for things to uninstall. You need to do some cleaning not adding morestuff to your mac. Okay, the most likely culprit for a slow macis if you have something running in the background that is using up processor power.
so you want to figure out what's running onyour mac. The first thing you want to do is use commandtab to bring up the application switcher. This will show you everything that you'vegot running. See if you don't recognize something there. Maybe this helps you remember that you'vegot something running that you don't need.
try to quit as many apps as you can. A newer mac should be able to handle tonsof apps running. But if you have an older mac and it's runningslow it's worthwhile to quit apps that you're not currently using. You don't have to quit absolutely every app. But if you see 27 different apps here maybetry to pare that down to about 10.
also look in the menu bar at the top right. You see all these buttons here. These are apps that aren't necessarily goingto show up in the application switcher. So, for instance here's dropbox, here's adobecloud, here's the webcam control panel. Things like.
look for what you've got here and maybe quitthings you don't actually need anymore. This is just another way just to remind youwhat you've got going on your mac. The idea is to try to remove the things youdon't need. Also, in the finder go to the applicationsfolder and just take an inventory of what you have here. Maybe you can get rid of some apps that youdon't need anymore.
then also in system preferences go to users& groups. Then click on login items. This will show apps and helper tools thatare going to run in the background. So if you see something here that you don'tuse anymore, go ahead and uninstall that. You can click here and actually remove itfrom here.
but it's better to actually uninstall thatapp if you're really not using it. Don't worry about things that you don't recognizehere. Some system functions and other things mayshow up. You can always control click on something,show in finder, and then based on where it's located on the hard drive usually you canfigure out what it belongs to. Also you can take a look at activity monitorand when you run that make sure you look at cpu and you're sorted by cpu here so the highestcpu is at the top.
now you have to watch this for awhile becausethings are going to pop-up to the top when they use a bunch of cpu but only for a fewseconds and then they'll disappear. Mostly use this to remind yourself what elseyou've got going on on your mac. So look through this and see the differentservices and things that you have running here. A lot of times you won't be able to tell whatdifferent things are. They're just part of the system.
don't worry too much about those. Instead look for the things that have iconsand think about, well, that's something i installed but maybe don't need it anymore. Maybe i should be uninstalling that app nowto speed things up a bit. So before i go to number two let's talk abouta myth that a lot of people believe in which is that newer versions of macos require morepower. Now it's true that newer versions of macoshave new features and those new features may need more power.
but it's not necessarily true that installinga new version of macos is going to slow down your mac. As a matter of fact, very often apple includesoptimizations in newer versions of macos that will make your mac run faster. If you can install that version of macos onyour mac that means that apple designed it with your mac in mind. Even if it's six or eight years old. Which means it will take advantage of someof those optimizations.
so don't be afraid to install new versionsof macos thinking that it might slow things down. Because that's not necessarily true. It may, in fact, speed things up. Okay, so next look at your regular apps. You go to the application switcher here orif you look in the dock below you should see the apps that you run the most often.
think about those and how you use those. They could be slowing things down too. Now there might not be such you can do withit. If you need to use photoshop, for instance,and photoshop is slowing down your mac you really don't have any choice. But there are some apps where you can usethem in a better way.
for instance, a lot of times i notice peopleusing a web browser, whether it's safari or chrome, but particularly chrome, will havea ton of tabs open. They just work normally that way with a lotof tabs. Having lots of tabs open will slow thingsdown so you may want to close a bunch of them. Bookmark those sites and go back to them ifyou want but you don't necessarily need to have them open in a tab. So many times i hear people say my mac's slowand i take a look and they have 40 tabs open in chrome.
in general chrome is going to be much moreof a cpu hog than using safari. So if you like chrome better than safari butit's making your mac run slow maybe give safari a chance. You can have both browsers. You can go to chrome for a particular webpageif you need to but maybe make safari your regular browser for just regular browsing. The next thing is cloud services.
now as a mac user you're probably using iclouddrive. But maybe you're also using dropbox and gogglecloud and microsoft's cloud. Maybe even a few others. I see people that have 4, 5, 6 different cloudservices syncing at the same time. This will slow things down.
each one of those has to examine the filesin their drive, the files on the server and it has to sync between them. If you have a bunch of them running and competingfor processor time and network time it's going to slow things down. So think about what cloud services you'reusing and maybe limit yourself to one or two if you're using an older mac. Alright, let's talk about the finder. Does your desktop look like this with tonsof different icons on the screen.
each one of those has to be rendered. So it's going to look at say the image ortext inside the file and render a little thumbnail. If you've got 20, 50, 100 items on your desktopit's going to slow things down. That's why it's best not to use your desktopexcept for quick temporary storage. Don't put regular things in there.
organize them inside your documents folder. Clear your desktop out and that should speedthings up. But the same thing in the finder. If you're using the icon view in the findera lot it's going to have to generate a lot of these thumbnails. List view and column view can often be fasterbut even here if you select a file you've got the little preview to the right.
these take time to generate especially ifit's video. If it's a video file you've selected you havea little video player over here. So you can hide the preview, like that, toturn that off and speed up the finder. Also think about the number of finder windowsyou have open. Sometimes i've seen people with 10, 20 differentfinder windows like this open.
there's really no reason to have more thanone or two finder windows open at the same time especially if you have an older mac that'srunning slowly. Limit your finder windows, use list or columnview, turn previews off to speed things up for a little bit for an older mac. Okay, so here's another one. Are you shutting down your mac or lettingit sleep. I keep telling people they need to let theirmac sleep.
don't shut it down when you're not using it. Instead let it sleep so it can perform maintenancetasks in the background. A lot of people don't do this. They'll finish using the mac and immediatelyshut it down and then start it up again and start using it again immediately. This doesn't allow maintenance tasks to happenin the background which means those maintenance tasks have to happen while you're using yourmac.
so they're competing with you for processortime, hard drive access, and things like that. Try letting your mac sleep. With a macbook just close it. With a desktop machine either go to the applemenu and put it to sleep when you're done or just walk away and let it fall asleep onits own. Let it will perform its maintenance tasksovernight.
that way you'll have things more optimizedfor you in the morning and these maintenance tasks won't be competing with you for processortime while you're using your mac. So here's another really big one. Hard drive space. How much hard drive space do you have free. You can tell pretty easily by going to theapple menu and then about this mac.
then go to storage. It will give you this little graph here. So here's an example of something that's prettybad. You can see i'm well above 90% used on thisdrive right now. You don't want to be this high and this maybe why your mac is running slow now.
you may have been at 50% usage for a longtime and now you're closer to 90 or 100% and this means there's not hard drive space availableto speed up your mac. You see our mac uses your hard drive for thingslike virtual memory and caches. Both of those things are ways that it speedsup your mac. When you don't have the space it's not goingto be able to use those tools for speed so your mac's going to be slower. So all you need to do to fix this is to gothrough all your stuff.
go through your documents, archive thingsto an external drive, or get rid of the stuff you just don't need anymore. Go through your applications. Delete applications you don't need anymoreand clear space off. If you can't clear space off, there's justnothing you can get rid of, just make a note that the amount of hard drive space you'vegot now is not sufficient. So your next mac should have a much, muchlarger hard drive.
so in addition to your hard drive being almostfull, your hard drive could also be having issues. This is particularly true if you have an oldspinning hard drive, not a solid state or flash drive that most modern macs have. These drives get errors on them and the drivecan kind of work around those errors but it slows things down. One way to fix this is by running disk utilityand using first aid. Now you don't want to just run disk utilitynormally.
you want to restart your mac by holding commandr to start recovery mode. That will allow you to run disk utility ata higher level so it could really go and look at all the things on your drive and fix anyissues that occur. But of course this also could mean that yourhard drive is actually really failing and it's time to get a new one or put that moneytowards a new mac instead. Hard drives, particularly the old spinningkind, don't last forever. Now there are a few other things you shouldalso try to see if it makes the speed of your mac a little better.
one is to reboot in safe mode. Rebooting in safe mode is a way to troubleshootthings on your mac. But it also will run some checks when youdo it. You can go to this page here and see how toreboot in safe mode. Basically it's restart holding the shift keydown.
then it reboots in safe mode so it's not runningany extensions and all sorts of other things and it does some special checks when you bootup. After it's all booted up you want to rebootagain in normal mode to continue to use your mac. Another things you can do is do a system managementcontroller reset. Now how you do this depends upon which macyou've got. So go to this page at the apple site and lookat all the instructions for the particular mac that you have.
by the way you can do a nvram reset whichresets some low level settings on your mac. Go to this page there and try that as well. So those three things. Safe mode, smc, and nvram resets can sometimeswork to fix problems and speed up your mac. They're worth a try.
alright so here's another things. It may not be your mac at all. A lot of times when people complain to methat their mac is running slow i ask them well, what are you doing that's running slow. They'll say, well, you know, the usual stuff,browsing the web. So in other words it's web surfing that'sslow.
for some people this is primarily what theyuse their macs for, web surfing. So, of course, if web surfing is slow it seemslike everything is slow because it is everything. So in this case it may not be your mac. It may be your internet service. One of the things you can do is restart yourrouter.
you probably got a router or a modem fromyour cable company or your telephone company when you signed up for service with them. This box may have been sitting there and youmay never have turned it off and on again or hit the reset button or anything like that. It may have been running for years. So it may be worthwhile to switch it off orunplug it. Plug it back in.
sometimes these things take like five minutesto reboot but after it reboots things are a lot quicker. But it could also be that the device itselfis outdated. Your telephone company or cable company isnot going to call you up out of the blue and say hey we notice you have an old modem fromus. Let's give you a new one. They're just going to let you sit with thatold piece of equipment.
maybe one they haven't even distributed foryears until you call them and say is this still current. Is there something newer you can send me. Then they would be happy to send you thatvery often at no cost to you. Other times your service itself may be outof date. You may still be using a plan that you signedup for five or ten years ago.
they may have something that's a higher bandwidth and even cheaper than what you have now. They're not going to volunteer this to you. They'regoing to keep charging you the same amount for the same level of service unless you askfor something better. Sometimes you pay less, sometimes you paythe same, and sometimes you pay a little bit more but for a lot more data. So it's worthwhile to call up your provider,talk with them, see if you have the most up to date thing. See what else they have to offer.
maybe you could significantly speed thingsup by improving your internet service at little or no cost. Number 10 is a really big one. Say none of this stuff has worked. Your mac is still slow. What i'm going to tell you is don't put upwith it.
your mac shouldn't be slow. You've got to figure out what the problemis and if none of these steps has helped you and you're out of options take it to apple. Make an appointment at the genius bar. Go in. Show them your mac.
tell them it's running slow and let them takea look at it. A lot of times an expert can look for justa minute at your mac and immediately know what's wrong but it would have taken you amillion years to figure that out. Now it may be bad news. It may be that the hard drive is failing. Maybe the apps you want to use just don'twork very well on a much older mac.
but at least then you know you've tried everything. I often talk to people who have put up witha slow mac for years before taking it to an expert like at the genius bar who fixes itin minutes and their mac is like new again. So you have nothing to loose by giving thegenius bar a try. If not maybe a local expert, or authorizedrepair shop can help you. So there are the ten things you can do tofix a slow mac.
if all of those fail it may actually be timefor a new mac. Remember we're asking our computers to dothings now that ten years ago we would never have thought of. Editing 4k video for instance. Maintaining huge libraries of highly compressedphotos. Go into complex websites that didn't existback then.
so sometimes an older mac just isn't goingto be able to handle the things that you want to do. .